The Importance of Applicant Background Screening
So, what are a few red flags to look out for?
Requests a quick move - while it’s not always the case and many have good reason, this can be a sign of something bad – like a recent eviction, pending bankruptcy, criminal activity, or employment termination. It’s not a reason to rip up the application, it’s just something that warrants additional scrutiny.
Needs to take the application home –
again it’s not always the case, but a well-organized, serious renter should arrive on site with all the information needed to apply. They should also be ready to answer any of your questions right away.
On the job hunt – an unemployed tenant is always a scary thing. Where will the rental money come from? It’s important to find out why they are unemployed, how long they’ve been searching for a new job and if there are alternative financial resources to pay the rent and security deposit.
Lack of references – this is a hard one sometimes. If someone has never rented before, there won’t be any rental references. However, past rentals aren’t the only source of information. Employer references and historical mortgage payments (if any) are two ways to fill in the needed information. Knowing why the applicant needs to rent is essential.
Bad financial history – this is background screening 101. If someone has minimal income, debt or a history of bankruptcy, chances are they’re not the tenant for you.
Multiple change of addresses – it’s not uncommon for people to move these days and just because someone has moved frequently doesn’t mean they’re a bad tenant. Again, this is where knowing why they need to rent is key. However, it can also be an indication of past evictions or criminal activity. It’s certainly something that warrants a bit more digging.
951 - 777 - 2811
6960 Magnolia Ave, Suite 103
Riverside, CA 92506